1. Diverse and Uncertain Representation
Representation이 다양한 경우와 불확실한 경우가 있음
Multiple vector approach
이러한 경우에 user를 onefold vector로 표현하기는 어려움
Multiple vector로 확장
Disentangled representation learning, capsule networks
DGCF: Orthogonal한 vector가 만들어지도록 유도
Density representation
Uncertainty를 더 잘 encoding
Gaussian embedding이라고 볼 수 있음
2. Scalability of GNN in Recommendation
기존의 GNN을 그대로 적용하기는 어려움
large memory usage, long training time
Reduce size of the graph
Sampling method
GraphSAGE: random sampling
PinSage: random walk
Small subgraph를 만들기도 함
Decouple the operations of nonlinearities and collapsing weight matrices
Neighbor-averaged features need to be precomputed only once
limited choice of aggregators and updaters
3. Dynamic Graphs in Recommendation
Relationship changes over time
GraphSAIL: Only example, incremental learning
4. Reception Field of GNN in Recommendation
Graph diffusion-based works: aggregation과 update를 분리
더 큰 reception field에 대비
너무 큰 reception field는 oversmoothing problem 야기
추천에서 node degree distribution은 long tail
Adaptive decision-based propagation step
5. Self-supervised Learning
데이터의 sparsity 관점에서 유리함
Contrastive learning task
Maximized agreement
Maximize mutual information
6. Robustness in GNN-based Recommendation
GNN이 noise에 취약함
Graph adversarial learning
Jointly learn the rating prediction and fraudster detection
7. Privacy Preserving
Federated learning 기반으로 해야 함
Federated learning과 high-order connectivity 정보를 같이 받는 것이 어려움
Pseudo interacted item을 추가하여 privacy 증진 가능
성능이 하락
PPGRec: Differential privacy로 문제 일부해결
8. Fairness in GNN-based Recommender System
GNN이 특정 item만 너무 추천하는 경우
User demographic에 따라 추천 성능이 너무 달라지는 경우
NISER, FairGNN 등의 연구 존재
9. Explainability
Instance-level method
Example-specific explanations
Identify important feature
Model-level methods
Generic understanding of how deep graph model works